Saturday, August 8, 2020

Davey Bacaron: How to Get Clients


Effective Ways to Get More Clients (And Keep Them Coming)

Here is the new blog from Davey Bacaron. What’s the best way you can generate new client projects each month? I’m keeping the descriptions on these minimal to highlight the wide range. Here goes:

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Get inside your dream client's head

Think of what your clients are struggling with? What’s the result, outcome, or transformation they desire? You can also use Quora to understand the types of questions your customers ask and how your competition is answering those queries. How can you answer them better?

Make sure what you do and who you serve is clear within 5 seconds

If you want to become a go-to expert, you have to make ‘what you do’ clear, easy to understand, and memorable. Create an “I’m the one that” statement. How are you different from your competition? Answer it with, “I’m the one that ________.'

Share a certain amount of your ideas for free

Create and share content that helps your audience solve problems that relate to your service offerings.
You can also answer questions on Quora relating to your service offerings. Share stories, tips, lessons learned, success stories, and strategies on Instagram.  Perhaps, creating your own Facebook group to build a community of people in your target audience and be helpful.

Create an irresistible offer. 

If you want to be a go-to expert and attract high-quality clients, you must explain the value of your offerings. When you’re considering adding a new service package to your roster, create a standalone sales page and include a freebie opt-in in exchange for people to “join the waitlist.” Then, when you’re ready to roll it out, send a message to this segment of your email list to announce you’re accepting clients. Think of what your clients really need?

People only work with people they trust.  

When you’re trying to attract clients online, it’s more challenging than face-to-face. Some ways to earn trust with internet strangers by sharing client testimonials when promoting your services on social media. You can also go to conferences and events where your clients are likely to be and give a presentation. Whenever you have the opportunity, be generous and helpful to others.

Social media baby!  

Choose the one (Instagram, Facebook/Facebook groups, Pinterest, YouTube) where your dream clients are most likely to be and dig in and master it before you move on to the next. Be authentic, infuse the "YOU" into your posts as much as possible. People want to work with people they like and relate to.

Work with clients you love

Clients want you to lead them because you’re the expert and your goal here is to create a VIP experience so they refer you to everyone they know and share their experience with others. You can do this by creating a process you can guide your clients through. Don’t nickel-and-dime your clients with unexpected charges like payment processing fees too. Work it on by building all of your costs into your fees and make it transparent to them as much as possible. If there are additional or variable charges you can’t build into your packages or estimates, make sure they know what they are from jump street.

I hope you found something you can take action on starting today! I wish you the best of luck in your client attraction efforts. If you have questions or if there’s something I missed, hit me up in the comments below!

Davey Bacaron has been an Administrative Marketing assistant for over 6 years. Davey Bacaron also understands all the classic ways of doing business and can do them using modern tools. And hey, your tasks don’t stand a chance against my super virtual assistant powers! Visit the Davey Bacaron website. Find out more about Davey Bacaron here. Read the Davey Bacaron Virtual Assistant (VA) hiring checklist here.

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